My mom would probably tell you that I’ve wanted to travel the world since I was a young girl. I remember fun conversations about how she would come visit me in my homes in London, Paris and New York. And while at 35 I don’t have homes in any of those places, I have seen them all (and all with my mom I might add).
I did some traveling during a study abroad in college, and I have some pictures of my travels (pre-digital age). But it’s only recently that I’ve really spread my travel wings, racking up several new countries a year. And it’s only recently I’ve discovered how much I love to capture the places that I travel to with a camera. I started with a simple point and shoot, then moved to a digital SLR, and am now playing with the camera on my iPhone. I haven’t taken any classes, and barely understand how to adjust my camera for focus and light (what is an f stop again?). But all and all, I think I’ve mounted a pretty wonderful collection of images that I hope tell a rich story about the places I’ve been.
Some of my favorite images are taken close-up, capturing the details. So it was surprising to me that when nominated to share 7 of my favorite pictures for the Hostel Bookers 7 Super Shots project, most of my shots were of landscapes or sun. As I reflect on my travels, I realize that some of my most special travel moments happened in nature at sun rises and sun sets. And it is those moments that make me feel so small in a huge world that I yearn to see. It’s the reason why I travel.
So here they are - my 7 Super Shots. Enjoy. (And if you would like to see more of travels, check out my Albums on my Facebook page at Thanks to Jeremy @budgettravelsac for nominating me!