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Love Letter to Las Vegas: 3 Photo Stories

Dear Las Vegas,

I’m just going to come out and say it.  I have a serious crush on you.  I’ll admit, at first I found you to be superficial and flashy.  But after spending a weekend with you, my perspective changed.  I was drawn in by your bright colors.  Your shine and shimmer made me sparkle too.  I was intoxicated by your dark and sultry corners.

All of this happened through the lens of my camera. 

As I edited the images I captured of you, I quickly realized I am enamored.  In a matter of a few days you changed me.  And now each time I look through my camera I think of you.  I hope that each snap I take looks like you, and yearn for the image to make me feel the way you did.  It’s strangely freeing and paralyzing at the same time.  

When can I see you again?

All My Love,



To see my love letter in pictures, visit my Facebook page.


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